Zero-touch Workforce Management

Optimize planning, scheduling, and organizing work orders.

HIGHTIK Zero-touch field workforce management is designed to help your organization manage its field-based workforce. By providing your organization with the ability to schedule, dispatch, and track the field workers, while also providing tools for communication and data collection.

  • Schedule and Dispatch

    Allows managers to create and manage schedules for field workers, assign tasks, and dispatch workers to job sites. This feature can also include the ability to set up recurring schedules, and to view schedules in a variety of formats, such as calendars, lists, or schedules.
  • Real-time Tracking

    Allows managers to view the location and status of field workers in real-time, including the ability to track field worker availability, work order time-stamp ,and view work order duration for each stage.
  • Communication

    HIGHTIK Provides tools for maintaining communication between managers and field workers, including the ability to send and receive messages, as well as make and receive calls.
  • Data collection

    Allows field workers to collect data and submit it to the management, this can be in the form of forms, checklists, photos, videos, and other types of data.